North Region SELPA Local Plan


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 United States Code (20 USC) Section 1400 et seq. and related federal regulations, require a continuum of regional program options to meet students with disabilities needs for special education and related services.  The California Department of Education (CDE) established guidelines for the coordinated development and submission of Local Plan components that ensure this continuum of program options. SELPAs ensure access to special education and services for all students with disabilities residing within the geographic areas served by each Local Plan. Beginning July 1, 2020, all SELPAs are required to submit a Local Plan, using CDE templates.


2024-25 Local Plan Updates

Section A:  Contacts and Certifications for Sections B, D, and E  (Documents development input, CAC certification, SELPA policy board certification, and county office certification.)

Section B:  Governance and Administration (SELPA governance structure/administrative policies/procedures)

Section D: Annual Budget Plan (SELPA's total planned 2024-25 revenues and expenditures.  Actuals are clarified after the state 2024-25 budget is approved.)

Section D: Annual Budget Plan Attachments (SELPA member districts and SELPA office 2024-25 planned revenues and expenditures.  Actuals are clarified after the state 2024-25 budget is approved.)

Section E: Annual Service Plan (Special education and related services listed by service code planned for 2024-25.  If an IEP team decides a service that is not on the plan is required, the district will identify and provide a qualified service provider.)

  • 200 series is for infants with Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs)
  • 300 series is instructional services
  • 400 series are related services
  • 500 series are mental health related services
  • 610 and 700 series are for students with low incidence disabilities (hearing, vision, and orthopedic)
  • 800 series are transition services for students 16 and older  

Section E: Annual Service Plan Attachment (Show the services planned to be provided by school site.  If an IEP team decides a service not on the plan is required, the district will identify and provide a qualified service provider.)  



2023-24 Local Plan

Section A Contacts and Certifications for Section B

Section B Governance and Administration

Section A: Contacts and Certifications for Section D and E 

Section D: Annual Budget Plan and Attachments

Section E: Annual Service Plan and Attachment 


2022-23 Local Plan

Section A Contacts and Certifications for Section B

Section B Governance and Administration

Section A: Contacts and Certifications for Section D and E

Section D: Annual Budget Plan and Attachments

Section E: Annual Service Plan and Attachment 


2021-22 Local Plan

Section A Contacts and Certifications for Section B

Section B Governance and Administration

Section A Contracts and Certifications for Sections D and E

Section D Annual Budget Plan

Section D Attachments

Section E Annual Service Plan

Section E Attachments


Section C: Annual Assurances Support Plan will be required in the future.


2020-21 Local Plan

Section A Contacts and Certifications

Section D Annual Budget Plan

Section E Annual Service Plan

Annual Budget & Service Plan Attachments